Thematic Project of Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai, Japan
"Resonance of Lives"

Co-designing our future in a resonance of lives

We are now connecting the world, which was once economically centred,
to the diverse pillars of life - be it the environment, human rights, health, peace, and education.

The thematic project for the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan,
“Resonance of Lives,” will provide an experience of creating a new world together
in the midst of this profound turning point.

How can we better share resources, instead of fighting over them?
How can we respect each other and connect, rather than draw boundaries that divide us?
“Better Co-Being” will be a place where we live in connection,
working toward the future, resonating with other persons, with nature, and with the world.

We welcome you to stop by and experience the resonance.

Miyata Hiroaki


Professor, Keio University MIYATA HIROAKI

Born in 1978. Professor, School of Medicine, Keio University.
Specialises in data science, scientific methodology, and value co-creation
His research revolves around promoting social reform through utilising data science and other scientific methods to change society for the better. Is involved in a range of projects in and outside the field of medicine, such as the National Clinical Database involving 5,000 hospitals around Japan in collaboration with the medical specialist system and the nationwide COVID-related LINE surveys led by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. Also works with the Keidanren and World Economic Forum to develop a new vision of society. One of the visions of society that Miyata has co-created is a “resonant society” characterised by vibrancy and diversity where each individual shines through experiencing that world with others.


Completed the Master’s Program at the Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo in 2003. Doctor (by dissertation only) of Health Sciences in the same field.
Served as an assistant at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University and assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, Healthcare Quality Assessment. Appointed as associate professor at the University of Tokyo, Healthcare Quality Assessment in April 2009 and professor at the same in April 2014 (part-time from May 2015). Has served as professor at Health Policy and Management, Keio University School of Medicine since May 2015. Appointed as visiting professor at Osaka University in December 2020.

Concept of "Better Co-being"


LED TOKYO Joins as Supplier
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Joins as Silver Partner

Experiences and Beyond

Better Co-Being is set in a corner of the “Forest of Tranquility” in the centre of the Expo site.
We envisioned the Forest as a symbol of a future society where humans share and co-create data.
Organic matter is generated from light and water, and shared with the world.
The forest links the entire ecosystem as a community and supports the world.
Plants and forests are full of inspiration for a society where humans share data.

A pavilion without a roof or walls.
We wanted to redefine the role of architecture at a turning point in history.
Rather than drawing boundaries with the forest, the pavilion blends and resonates with it.
Each visitor standing inside the pavilion will envision a new age of resonance never seen before.


Architecture SANAA

Sejima and Nishizawa were jointly awarded the Golden Lion at the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2004. They both were awarded the Pritzker Prize in 2010.
SANAA’s major works include the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Japan), the New Museum of Contemporary Art (USA), the Rolex Learning Center, EPFL (Switzerland), Louvre-Lens (France), Grace Farms (USA), Shogin TACT Tsuruoka (Japan), Hitachi City Hall (Japan), Bocconi University New Urban Campus (Italy), La Samaritaine (France), and Sydney Modern Project (Australia).


Sejima Kazuyo (b. 1956, Ibaraki, Japan) studied architecture at the Japan Women’s University. In 1987 she opened her own studio Kazuyo Sejima & Associates, and then in 1995, together with Ryue Nishizawa, she founded SANAA. She is currently a professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan, a visiting professor at Japan Women’s University and Osaka University of Arts, an Emeritus Professor at Yokohama National University, and Director of Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum.


Nishizawa Ryue (b. 1966, Tokyo, Japan) studied architecture at Yokohama National University. In 1995, he opened SANAA with Kazuyo Sejima, and in 1997 he founded the Office of Ryue Nishizawa. He is currently a professor at Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture (Y-GSA).


Hasegawa Yuko is a curator and art critic based in Tokyo. She currently holds positions as Director of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Artistic Director of the Inujima Art House Project and Professor of the Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. She has curated multiple international art biennials and was the Artistic Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo until 2021. New Ecology and Art: Anthropocene as dithering time (2022) is her recent publication.


Gold Partner

Silver Partner

Bronze Partner
